Nanosolar Panels Lowering Production cost

Nanosolar claims that its panels produce electricity at around 5 cents/kilowatt hour. This would be almost the same cost as power from coal and, currently, 33% of the cost of conventional solar systems.

The larger panels they are now using generate more power.

Raring to go!
Based in Germany and enjoying a huge market thanks to German government's incentives for the solar cells made of CIGS (Copper, Indium, Gallium, Selenium) semiconductor, Nanosolar is ready to storm the market by producing solar cells twice as fast as the conventional solar-panel factories.

Theirs is a proprietary approach to printing CIGS and nanoparticle inks, minimising use of expensive, high vacuum manufacturing equipment. Printed CIGS solar cells and panels will potentially reach efficiencies competitive with crystalline silicon panels in the next several years.

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