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Victron Venus GX - Remote System Monitoring

Victron Venus GX - Remote System Monitoring

Regular price $442.43 AUD
Regular price $486.67 AUD Sale price $442.43 AUD
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The Venus GX is the low cost equivalent of the Color Control GX (CCGX). In fact, the Venus has more features than the CCGX.

The Venus does not have a screen and is accessed via extranal devices like computers or mobile phones (not included). It comes with inbuilt Bluetooth and low-power wifi.

Apart from the screen, it has all the abilities of the CCGX; in addition, the Venus GX comes with 2 x VE Can bus interfaces, allowing the connection of BlueSolar/SmartSolar MPPT and a battery controller.

Venus is short for "Victron Unix like distro with a linux kernel". Venus runs on the Color Control GX and the Venus GX. It is also available for several variants of the Beaglebone- and also the RaspberryPi families.
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